A discussion on text, subject & craft w/ Elizabeth Reeder, Amanda Thomson and Samantha Clark about their books, microbursts & The Clearing
About this Event
Please do join us for a discussion on text, subject and craft with Elizabeth Reeder and Amanda Thomson - collaborators on microbursts and with Samantha Clark author of The Clearing. The writers/artists will be present to respond to Q&As about the books, the writing, design and editorial processes. Both books deal with the intense time of being within parental illness, and consider experiences of illness, mental health, parental death, and various types of grief in ways that weave through and utilise artistic and multi-modal processes.
As with most of our events, there's a bit of reading in prep. Ideally, we're hoping that attendees will read both books and come ready to have the rare opportunity to discuss books in terms of process, subject and form with the writers themselves - so that attendees as writers and artists and pracitioners can feed that into their own work.
You can order microbursts directly from Prototype Publishing. They're offering a 10% discount using the code: deathwrites
You can order The Clearing from Lighthouse Books. Here is the book's preorder link: https://lighthousebookshop.com/products/the-clearing-pre-order And you can use the code ClearingLaunch at the checkout.
Or, if you can't get ahold of the books, there's an extract of microbursts here: https://partisanhotel.co.uk/Microbursts
And there's a review and extract of The Clearing Here: https://lindasbookbag.com/2020/12/03/the-clearing-by-samantha-clark/
Hosted by #DeathWrites the Reading and Writing Death and Dying Lab, a University of Glasgow ArtsLab lab!