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Edinburgh International Book Festival Events

This year at EIBF, I'm chairing a number of events that further discussion of the essay- how and make we write across forms, disciplines and mediums and how we can read them too.  Each event promises a new perspective and should be lively.  The events are supported by University of Glasgow. 

Sunday 13th August 16:00, Garden Theatre: In Conversation with Teju Cole about his most recent book Blind Spot, which is about reading and writing, how we see, how we photograph.  It plays well in conversation with his 2016 collection of essays, Known and Strange Things.

Thursday 24th August 11:00-12:30, Writers' Retreat: Leading a Reading Workshop on Jenny Diski's Skating to Antarctica

Sunday 27th of August 18:30, Writers' Retreat: Chairing Richard Beard and Graham Caveney as they speak about family, truths, and silences.